Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Great Lagington (inspired by Lewis Carroll's The Jabberwocky)

The sun shone through
The pillage
The coffle going through
The trees
The peace of agastaton
Broken by the Uff-Puff
Of the one and only
He moves through the night
All the hcildren fight
To see such a flunder
Of an Animal
With feet of a Humdrandle
He stomps all around
Only stopping to feast on
The laterious sound
Of the kids that cry out
"Oh Laginton is bound"
And on this once a year
When the sun shines through
The pillage and
The coffle Goes through
The trees
Does the Laginton Return
To feast on the pleas
Of the kids everywhere
Leaving behind only crushed
Heols and bones
Int he path of the
Great Lagington!

-Zoey R. 7th Grade

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