Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I Am From

I am from unclaimed scraps of paper with meaningless drawings, phone numbers, and dates of past events
I am from neverending boxes full of stuff you havn't seen in years
I am from no tape of paper when it is needed
I am fraon locked full of memories not to be shared
I am from falling asleep at one and waking up at noon
I am from busy weekends that alway seem to slip past me
I am from toasted peanup butter sandwiches with crunchy cheetos on the side
I am from falling asleep to lound music that plays all night long
I am from watching the same movie twice and then being able to quote it when ever I want
All of this is who I am and makes me who I am, but in the end I am from me and me only

-Lindsay O. 8th Grade

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